
Saturday, February 28, 2009

THE MONOGRAM (1972) Odysseas Elytis POEM - limited edition version 2

THE MONOGRAM (1972) Odysseas Elytis POEM - limited edition version 2
It’s still early in this world, do you hear me
The monsters have not been tamed, do you hear me
My lost blood and the sharp, do you hear me
Like a ram racing in the heavens
Breaking the branches of the stars, do you hear me
It’s me, do you hear me
I love you, do you hear me
Holding you and taking you and dressing you
In Ophelia’s white wedding dress, do you hear me
Where are you leaving me, where are you going and who, do you hear me
Elytis' poetry has marked, through an active presence of over forty years, a broad spectrum of subject matter and stylistic touch with an emphasis on the expression of that which is rarified and passionate. He did derive certain elements from Ancient Greece and Byzantium but devoted himself exclusively to today's Hellenism, of which he attempted —in a certain way based on psychical and sentimental aspects— to build up the mythology and the institutions. His main endeavour was to rid people's conscience from unjustifiable remorses and to complement natural elements through ethical powers, to achieve the highest possible transparency in expression and finally, to succeed in approaching the mystery of light, the metaphysics of the sun of which he was an idolater —by his own definition.

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Odysseas Elytis art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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THE MONOGRAM (1972) Odysseas Elytis POEM - limited edition version1

THE MONOGRAM (1972)  Odysseas Elytis POEM - limited edition version1
Description It’s still early in this world, do you hear me
The monsters have not been tamed, do you hear me
My lost blood and the sharp, do you hear me
Like a ram racing in the heavens
Breaking the branches of the stars, do you hear me
It’s me, do you hear me
I love you, do you hear me
Holding you and taking you and dressing you
In Ophelia’s white wedding dress, do you hear me
Where are you leaving me, where are you going and who, do you hear me
Elytis' poetry has marked, through an active presence of over forty years, a broad spectrum of subject matter and stylistic touch with an emphasis on the expression of that which is rarified and passionate. He did derive certain elements from Ancient Greece and Byzantium but devoted himself exclusively to today's Hellenism, of which he attempted —in a certain way based on psychical and sentimental aspects— to build up the mythology and the institutions. His main endeavour was to rid people's conscience from unjustifiable remorses and to complement natural elements through ethical powers, to achieve the highest possible transparency in expression and finally, to succeed in approaching the mystery of light, the metaphysics of the sun of which he was an idolater —by his own definition.

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Odysseas Elytis art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

L 'Amour Toujours - Gigi d' Agostino the song - limited edition version 2

L 'Amour Toujours - Gigi d' Agostino the song - limited edition version 2
Description I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what
You have done in your life
Baby I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long
Please come by
I still believe in your eyes;
There is no choice,
I belong to your life
Because I will live
To love you someday;
You'll be my baby
And we'll fly away
And I'll fly with you,

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love Gigi d' Agostino!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Gigi d' Agostino art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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L 'Amour Toujours - Gigi d' Agostino the song - limited edition version

L 'Amour Toujours - Gigi d' Agostino the song - limited edition version
Description I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what
You have done in your life
Baby I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long
Please come by
I still believe in your eyes;
There is no choice,
I belong to your life
Because I will live
To love you someday;
You'll be my baby
And we'll fly away
And I'll fly with you,

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love Gigi d' Agostino!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Gigi d' Agostino art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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Have you twitter? you need those finds!!!!!!

Many people ask me where can they find some tools for their twitter
here is some

Web Services/Mashups (Utilities):
  1. AlphaTwitter is a tool to see what’s being shared by twitter users. Most popular links rise to the the top.

  2. AnswerMe is a tool to help you track questions you ask on Twitter.

  3. AutoPostr lets your Twitter friends know whenever you post a new photo to flickr.

  4. AutoTwit automatically schedule updates to twitter. This site points out that its pointless.

  5. Brabblr allows you to keep an eye on and update your Twitter and Jaiku accounts from a central place.

  6. Chirrup allows you to collect Twitter comments for your site.

  7. CommuterFeed lets you keep an eye on traffic incidents through twitter.

  8. CrowdStatus allows you to organize your contacts into groups.

  9. EmailTwitter interact with twitter via email. Save money on SMS messages.

  10. FeedTweeter lets you send your plurks to Twitter.

  11. Flix Pulse is real time movie reviews based on Tweets.

  12. Gridjit allows you to see tweets by users rather than in chronological order.

  13. GroupTweet allows you to send private Twitter messages to specific groups.

  14. Hashtags allows realtime tracking of Twitter Hashtags (#).

  15. LiveTwitting is a mechanism to cover conference sessions.

  16. MoniTwitter keeps an eye on your servers and informs status using Twitter.

  17. PingTwitter ping Twitter when you update your blog.

  18. Quotably makes a twitter conversation into a threaded conversation.

  19. Stocktwits lets you follow stocks on Twitter.

  20. Timer is a Twitter bot that helps you set an alarm for things you need to remember.

  21. TrackThis allows you to track your Fedex, UPS, USPS and DHL packages.

  22. Twannabe lets you find out who your Twitter hero is following and you are not.

  23. Tweetl a url shortening service for twitter posts that also allows you to post to twitter from their site.

  24. Twitzu allows you to create an event and let your followers know about it.

  25. TubeStatus Get London tube status delivered via Twitter.

  26. Tweet2Tweet tracks the public Twitter timeline to collect data in order to view conversations between two users

  27. Tweetahead schedule tweets in the future.

  28. TweetAnswers allows you to ask questions, get answers.

  29. TweetBurner lets you shorten, tweet and track the links on Twitter.

  30. TweetShots takes screen shots of your tweets that you can embed in tumblr or other pages.

  31. Twemes follows tweets that have embedded tags that start with a # character.

  32. Twerpscan allows you to identify and block spammers on your Twitter contact list.

  33. Tweviews lets you describe your impression of a song or a movie, a book or an album through Twitter.

  34. Twibler automatically posts your new eBay listings to your Twitter account.

  35. Twictionary is a repository for all sorts of words used on Twitter.

  36. Twiddeo is Twitter plus video.

  37. Twiddict allows you to Twitter even if Twitter is down.

  38. Twistori visualizes tweets through a pretty interface.

  39. Twifter finds common friends for a list of twitter usernames.

  40. Twimbler is a tumble blog that gets updated through Twitter.

  41. Twitabit stores your tweets when Twitter is down and then delivers them when Twitter comes back up.

  42. TwitSay lets you leave voice messages on Twitter.

  43. TwitterCal use Twitter to post events to Google Calendar.

  44. TwitterCounter allows you to display a badge that shows the number of your followers

  45. TwitterFeed will take your rss feed and post it to Twitter.

  46. TwitterFone converts your voice message into a tweet and lets you listen to a recording also.

  47. TwitterPacks answers the question: If someone were joining Twitter today, who might they follow?

  48. TwitThis a button for your blog so that visitors can twitter about it.

  49. TwitterShare allows you to share files (less than 10 MB) while using Twitter. Mac client available also.

  50. Wiiizzz lets you see what tracks people are sharing on Twitter. You can also play the songs.

  51. Who Should I Follow gives suggestions on interesting people to follow.

Web Services/Mashups (Other):
  1. Bkkeepr Tracks the books you are reading.

  2. Confess 2.0 confess your sins to Twitter.

  3. Favrd lists interesting things on Twitter, based on the number of times an item has been declared a ‘favorite’.

  4. Favotter collects a lot of favorites from many Twitter'ers.

  5. FlickrMixr flickr and twitter integration.

  6. Flussgeist integration of twitter and flickr.

  7. InnerTwitter reconnects you to your original happiness by utilizing twitter.

  8. Overheard It is a site that pulls in all the fun things people overhear on Twitter.

  9. PoliTweets tracks conversations about US Presidential hopefuls.

  10. Pulseofopensource follows heavyweights in the open source movement on Twitter.

  11. Qwitter helps you quit smoking.

  12. SnapTweet allows you to send your latest Flickr photo to Twitter.

  13. Start4all a directory of important twitter pages.

  14. Swotter read a book through twitter.

  15. Tweet140 is a game. To win you need to maintain an average close to 140 characters per tweet.

  16. Tweetgift is a simple way to send virtual gifts to your friends.

  17. Twaction allows you to poke, slap, smile at your friends on Twitter.

  18. Tweetweet tweets show up as conversation between two characters.

  19. Tweetwire reformats tweets in a newspaper format.

  20. is a social database of categorized (jobs, events) tweets.

  21. Twitdir allows you to search for friends (real or fake). Think of it as Twitter White Pages.

  22. Twitku keep an eye on your Twitter and Jaiku messages.

  23. TwitPic share your photos on Twitter.

  24. Twitslikeme allows you to find other people who share your interests on twitter.

  25. TwitterBlacklist is a list of known spammers of various kinds.

  26. TwitterBrowser lets you browse ones friends graphically.

  27. TwitCash a scheme to make money on twitter.

  28. Twitterer second life and twitter mashup.

  29. TwitterFountain allows tweets to be viewed real-time, big screen.

  30. TwitterGram allows you to post audio messages to Twitter.

  31. TwitLinks The latest links from the worlds top tech twitter users.

  32. TwittPoll follow polls on twitter from twittpoll.

  33. Twitterkarma allows you to see if you have a one way or two way relationship with your friends and followers.

  34. Twitterku unintentional poetry pulled from the Twitter public stream.

  35. TwitterLit publishes the first line of a book twice a day with a link to that book.

  36. TwitterLocal allows you to find out whos Tweeting near you based on zip codes, states and locations.

  37. TwitterMosaic mosaics created from Twitter user icons.

  38. TwitterNotes allows you to check notes on Twitter. Notes start with a + sign

  39. TwitterPlanetarium is a nice visualization for tweets. No options to speak of.

  40. TwitterSnooze lets you disable your followers for a specified period of time.

  41. TwitterTale track all the bad words being used on Twitter.

  42. TwitSpy allows you to see all the incoming tweets in a fancy AJAXy way.

  43. TwitterTube Based upon the latest Twitterings feed, this yahoo pipe creator gathers the matching youtube vids.

  44. Twitterverse presents a tag cloud of all the twitters.

  45. TwitterWatch lets you see all the latest tweets like a slide show.

  46. TwitterWhere makes it easy to update Twitter with your current location.

  47. Twubble searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like to follow.

  48. Visual Twitter allows you to send an image to your Twitter updates.

  49. Wordy Birdie is a Twitter based word frequency quessing game.

Original Artwork Silkscreen - tshirt - John Lennon imagine

Description Original Artwork Silkscreen of my collage work john Lennon the song imagine
you can find here:

100% cotton creme color
So cute and soft!
This Tee is hand printed with a whole lotta love.
each shirt is hand printed and slightly different and special from the next!
unisex: medium size
The shirts are machine wash and dry able, just do not iron the print.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen - Freddie Mercury the song - limited edition version 2

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Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen - Freddie Mercury the song - limited edition version 2

Is this the real life-
Is this just fantasy-
Caught in a landslide-
No escape from reality-
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see-
Im just a poor boy,i need no sympathy-
Because Im easy come,easy go,
A little high,little low,
Anyway the wind blows,doesnt really matter to me,
To me

Mama,just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger,now hes dead,
Mama,life had just begun,

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love Queen and Freddie Mercury !!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Queen art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen - Freddie Mercury the song - limited edition

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Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen - Freddie Mercury the song - limited edition

buy this poster

Is this the real life-
Is this just fantasy-
Caught in a landslide-
No escape from reality-
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see-
Im just a poor boy,i need no sympathy-
Because Im easy come,easy go,
A little high,little low,
Anyway the wind blows,doesnt really matter to me,
To me

Mama,just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger,now hes dead,
Mama,life had just begun,

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love Queen and Freddie Mercury !!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Queen art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Where The Streets Have No Name - u2 the song - collage limited edition

Where The Streets Have No Name  - u2 the song - collage limited edition

buy this poster

I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name.....

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love U2 and Bono !!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of U2 art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.(actuall this print is no=2 from 50)
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Amount of Traffic Social Media Sites Can Send

Submitting your content to social media sites can be quite an effective technique to drive large traffic volume and promote your blog

StumbleUpon can send traffic in the amount of 1,000 to 40,000 within 3 days after getting around 50 stumbles.

You can expect between 1,500 to 30,000 visitors to your blog if your post is approved in Slashdot and gets to its front page.

A popular post on Digg's front page can get between 3,000 to 35,000 visitors within a short period of time.

The aptly chosen name I Am Bored can send traffic of around 2,000 to 15,000 of its bored members to your blog if your post gets to its front page.

Ebaum's World is a humor site with the ability to send its front page landers a good traffic volume of 2,500 to 20,000.

Posts on the community-based news site Fark's frontpage can get around 2,000 to 20,000 traffic volume.

News/stories on Reddit's frontpage receive traffic of about 2,500 to 15,000, depending on how far up and how long it stays on the front page.

Submission to MetaFilter requires a subscription fee, but once your post hits the front page, you can expect around 1,000 to 5,000 visitors.

The traffic that the social tagging site sends is spread over time. Given that your article hit its front page, you can get between 500 to 5,000 visitors within a short period of time.

Front page landers on Propeller are not guaranteed much to receive high traffic, unless you're in the Top 5, which can send around 50 to 3,500 visitors.

Breaking news that hit the frontpage of Newsvine gets around 500 to 2,000 traffic volume.

ShoutWire, an internet news site, sends about 500 to 1,500 traffic volume to submissions that get to the frontpage.

The new social news site Mixx has a steady trend of increasing traffic. Currently, its frontpage landers can receive around 50 to 250 visitors.

Sphinn, an internet marketing social site, is capable to drive traffic of about 75 to 200 in less than 24 hours to articles on the front page.

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My Eyes Have Seen You by THE DOORS - Jim Morrison the song - collage limited edition - version 2

Buy this poster
My eyes have seen you
My eyes have seen you
My eyes have seen you
Stand in your door
When we meet inside
Show me some more
Show me some more
Show me some more

My eyes have seen you
My eyes have seen you
My eyes have seen you
Turn and stare
Fix your hair
Move upstairs
Move upstairs
Move upstairs

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love Jim Morrison !!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of Jim Morrison art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey mac... get in on this - print collage with a great little cute owl in fine art cardstock paper

A nice alternative to a kostas tsipos Collage original, this print measures 8x11,3 inches
This little guy looks great in this old book page with those great vivid colors .. perfect for children room or any room you like
limited edition only 50 prints (actually this print is no=3 from 50)
Velvet Fine Art cardstock Paper .
sing archival inks, includes artist's signature on the front and artist's label
on the back of the print. Your new art will be shipped in a cello sleeve and backing board to protect during shipping.
Any questions or needing custom sizing or some custom name on it please contact me. Thanks!

Monday, February 9, 2009

John Lennon the song- imagine - collage limited edition

(Buy this poster)
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one.....

Lets singing with me :)
(all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love John Lennon !!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of John Lennon art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.(actuall this print is no=2 from 50)
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

John Lennon the song- Woman - collage limited edition

(buy this poster)
Woman I can hardly express,
My mixed emotion at my thoughtlessness,
After all I'm forever in your debt,
And woman I will try express,
My inner feelings and thankfullness,
For showing me the meaning of succsess,
oooh well, well,
oooh well, well,

Lets singing with me :)
(almost all the song there is in this poster)
Great print for teenager room or for anyone who love John Lennon !!!!

(click on the photos for bigger view)
A limited edition, original fine art digital collage print by Kostas Tsipos
This original type of John Lennon art is to
become a historical collector's item! Signed, dated
and numbered by artist. Created in a limited edition
of only 50 fine art prints.(actuall this print is no=2 from 50)
This digital collage print with pigment inks on Fine art Cardstock paper with a matte finish.

The inks deliver deep-rich colors
for fine art prints that are stunning and gallery quality.
Printed on 8,268x 11,693 inches Fine art Eco texture Cardstock paper
If you want a custom bigger size from this print let me know for more info thnks:)
All pieces are shipped flat in a protective sleeve and a bend proof mailer.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

President OBAMA limited edition, original fine art collage print
test for my new game:)