Where are you originally from?
I was born in Puglia,southern Italy,close to Greece,but my father is from Friuli,in the north of Italy,and my ancestors come from ex Jugoslavia, Galles and nearby Greece.Now I live in Sardinia,a very special island,rather different from the rest of Italy.
-How did you choose the lovely name for your Etsy Shop?
The name of my shop is made of two words, "Gufo"("Owl") which is a symbol of wisdom and longevity(things i wish to me concerning my work), and "bardo"("bard"),from "longobardo", fierce and combative people who crossed the whole Italy;being half from north and half from south,i do feel like my blood is from all Italy and Europe!
-How did you find Etsy? How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I don't really remember who and when talked me about Etsy,i registered in 2007,but left the account idle for years,my activity took place on an old site of mine and sure Etsy was not in my mind...then the need for changin' style,ideas and items made me re-open concretely in december 2009,thanks also to the support of the Etsy Italian Team, which in the meanwhile i joined,who helped me and helps me considerably in developing ideas.
-How would you describe your style? Have any other artists etc influenced your style?
As for jewelry,i love baroque and rococò very much,the curves and the elaborate
intertwinement of the wire.I love wireworking very much,and my muse is Eni Oken...thanks to her i'm also a teacher at jewelrylesson.com.As for moleskines and my ancient love for drawing,i love very much to create my personal dreamlike world, my inspiration comes from Tim Burton,Federico Fellini's drawings and Leonardo da Vinci's caricatures
A big influence also comes to me from Surrealism.
Copper wire wrappe... -
Porcelain Buttons ... -
S'Ispilla, a O... -
OOAK Puppen Fimo s... -
- Listen to your hea...
Scent of Spring-Li... -
Innamorati Lovers-...
- How did you first come to art and creativity? How did your journey in art and creativity begin?
-How long have you been creating? that you love so much?I've always been drawing and modelling,first memories go back to when i was 3 years old.I attended art school and have a degree in theory of shapes,visual arts section, i partecipated in many exhibits and never stop studying both artists and their techniques.It's important to never stop studying,the pictorial stroke of the artists but also anathomy,color theory,styles,biographies...
-What are your main sources of inspiration?
human faces,i love to transform them in my own personal bestiary
-Have you had any mentors, or are you self taught?
Eni Oken for jewelry design,for modelling and dollmaking surely Marylin Radzat and Lisa Gatz for inserting me in the online lessons with several artists from Niada...but also my Art School teachers.
-Do you sell more at one time of year than others?
I started here on Etsy in the january and winter has been really great...we'll see in fall...unlike many others,my sales have always been very well distributed year round,not only in proximity of Christmas.
-What is one thing about your creative process that you think most
people don't know?
I never draw a subject in advance..i "cook" it in my mind for several hours or days,when i have the precise 3D drawing in my mind i start drawing headlong with a pen,i like to push my limits and don't want to erase or redo.
-How has life affected your art and art affected your life?
It's hard to answer,i've had paintings and colors in my head from even before i started talking,and was a very taciturn baby...i'd been born like this,i don't know where life ends and art begins and viceversa,what i'm sure of is taht to live the way i want to,art must necessarly make my life better.
-Do you have a favorite item you have made?
No,to me the things i create are like sons,i love them all,but it's since i love them that i let them go free in the world
-What is the best reaction you have gotten from one of your pieces?
When i looked at the finished work and told myself "this is what i wanted!"
-Your message for all of us?
dream and learn,dream and create...transform the dream in tangible art,usable for anyone!
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