Angels are messengers of God!!! Angels & Demons!!!!
Angels are celestial beings that are mentioned in both new and old testaments of the Bible. These celestial beings are seldom recognized in the physical realm by humans. According to Biblical Scripture we have learned that angels were created by God for His purposes and intentions. Angels are messengers of God!!!

Are they not all ministering spirits
Angels are ministering servants created to worship the Creator. (Hebrews 1:14 "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?" NKJ)
Pure contingent spirits
The term "angel" has also been expanded to various notions of spiritual beings found in many other religious traditions.
Heaven & thirty-four books of the Bible
300 biblical references
The messengers of God
Italian Renaissance master
We can look to architecture of old to see some of the greatest works of art ever created of angels. Saint Peters Basilica is probably most famously known for its beautiful art of Michelangelo, and in many of his works he depicted angels. A small marble relief of Jesus Christ flanked by two angels and being held up by Mary was one of the last pieces that Italian Renaissance master is known to have created.
Not only is Dante's literary work one of the most descriptive to what he believed to be his journey through the depths of hell, purgatory, and heaven. His writing is descriptive and the art by Gustave Dore is revered as some of the very best of angels and demons.
{But when he clearly recognized the pilot, / He cried: "Make haste, make haste to bow the knee! / Behold the Angel of God!"
Purg. II, lines 27-29}
More about Angels in my original Article here: ORIGINAL ARTICLE
Angels are celestial beings that are mentioned in both new and old testaments of the Bible. These celestial beings are seldom recognized in the physical realm by humans. angel workshops