Nope, don’t really know what this means either. My recent stag trip to Amsterdam is making it hard for me to understand the post title I jotted down while I was there! If anyone knows what IP mean by “the season of festivals” I would be happy to know!
Cost saving I can give you some advice on. Hang on – maybe I was thinking about how you could go to a festival as a stag party! That would be pretty cool, wouldn’t it? Pack yourself of to Glasters with a bunch of old buds and more cider than it would take to sink a ship, and you’ve got yourself a ready made mudbath of a stag weekend...
OK, so let’s run with that. If you want to do the festival season on the cheap you are going to have to wait until next summer – unless of course you want to head up to Tromso in Norway to join the light-starved insanity that makes most of the winter months one long festival... Though you know, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Just keep the noise down a bit when you do, I’m, going there on my honeymoon in February ; )
There are some pretty useful articles here and there about how to save money at festivals: a good place to start if you are thinking of going all hippy for your stag do. SO here’s some advice that should work for everyone, whatever festival they choose to make into a stag event:
1: Book your travel as early as you can, unless you want to end up paying a million quid for a train ticket. If you want to be really clever, get down to the area the day before everyone else, and walk up to the venue nice and early on opening day morning. Then you can set your tents up and get drinking while the rest of the world is still in a traffic jam.
2: Pillows = lame. A festival is about staying awake for three days and eventually passing out in a hedge. If you really have to have a pillow, take a pillowcase and fill it with dirty clothes when you need to sleep.
3: Get a decent tent. Thinking of saving money by getting a cheap tent is false economy. It will break and then you’ll have to buy another one., Or sleep in a puddle.
4: Leave all your good shoes and sneakers at home. The only footwear you need at a decent festival is one pair of willies and one pair of flip flops. Socks are optional (don’t bother). All footwear will end up ruined so make it cheap and waterproof.
5: Take all the cash you think you will need before you get there. Keep it safe with a money belt. Your only other option is to queue for three hours to pay for the privilege of getting your own money out at on site cash machines. Hardly rock n roll, is it.
6: Take cheap clothes only. Festivals are not about looking glam, they’re about rolling around in a mudbath listening to extremely loud music. But a few cheap pairs of shorts and a load of cheap t shirts from your local discount store. You’ll never regret it!
A festival is actually a pretty awesome way to have a stag do. And remember, as it’s your stag, you get to pick which bands you see and when. Make the most of it...
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